Sample BagsBottles

Water Sampling

Sample Reports

Why Should I Take a Water Sample?

Water analysis is an often underutilized test for determining plant stresses/injuries, and in developing the optimal agronomic programs for a desired cropping system. Water quality from wells has been shown to change quite drastically during a single season in times of severe drought.

How Often Should I Sample?

We recommend that an Ag Suitability water analysis be performed annually, prior to the start of the season, to assess quality and adjust programs as may be necessary for optimal quality and yield.

Water Test Codes

Test IDDescription (Minimum 500mls)Retail
3051* Ag Suitability: pH ECw SAR Ca Mg Na HCO3+CO3 NO3-N B Cl SO4-S Fe Mn$53.00
3053pH Buffer/Titration (Specify Buffer)$25.00
3054Ag Suitability + pH Buffer Titration (Specify Buffer)$70.00
3059Ag Suitability + Bacterial Dip Slide$68.00
* PAL Recommended Test Code
Prices Effective 1/1/2024